Monday, December 24, 2012

2013 Goals and Resolutions

I've always been a huge proponent of having goals and resolutions and working toward them.  As I've gotten older and "wiser" I've gotten away from the having the once a year sit down for yearly goals and moved toward keeping focused on them daily.
  • Hand write your goals.  There's synaptic power that develops in your brain when you write something verses typing it.  Goals are just wishes until you write them down.
  • Write your goals EVERY DAY.  I do this at night in a tiny notebook I keep handy.  When I find myself with 2 minutes alone, I rewrite them and add new ones as they surface in my mind.
  • Keep your written goals in the future tense as if you've already achieved them.
    • I weight 190#
    • I have accumulated $25,000 in savings in 2013
    • I have achieved my sales quota Q1 2013
  • Create multiple short term goals, both daily and weekly.
    • I read "The Power of Habit" by 12/31/2013
    • I worked out 20 minutes today
Write your daily, weekly, yearly story before it happens and write it, and reinforce it daily.  

Your actions follow you thoughts.  Results follow your actions.

Have a blessed and safe Christmas!


Sunday, December 16, 2012


I've been spewing my sales (and life) philosophies on everyone around me for many years.   I've toyed with the blog idea for quite sometime, however didn't feel that many people would be overtly interested in what I had to share.  That changed recently.

I met Chuck Carey at the Sales Management Association meeting in Atlanta on 12/10/2012.  He is the CEO of Compendian in Atlanta.   He was NOT one of the negative thinkers I have referenced below.  Chuck contacted me asking permission to share some of my statements on his excellent blog.

Receiving extremely positive feedback from several channels, I have decided to throw my hat in the already overcrowded blogging world, if for no other reason, than to keep my public thoughts organized and easily accessible.  Enjoy (or not).

At the round table discussion at the Sales Management Association on 12/10/2012, I had the opportunity to listen to others in attendance talk about Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt (FUD).  I was surprised and, honestly, a little disappointed that so many sales leaders would forfeit their self-belief so easily.

When asked my thoughts on the topic of getting off to a fast start in 2013, I has several points, these are a few that I remembered:

"1. Stop watching the news.  Sales people tend to be a little bi-polar (or at least most of the ones I know are) and it only amps up the negative thoughts and emotions.  Stop it now!

2. I am responsible for my own economy, not congress, not the president, not the weather.  ME!  I had my best 2 months in sales while my company’s name was on the front page of the local newspaper informing the public my legacy company was going bankrupt.  That was ME not letting someone else control my thinking.

3. If you are expecting negative results, you’re darn sure going to get them.  You have to win the battle of over your mind and BELIEVE.  You have to think at a higher level and rise above the mundane.  Great thoughts, yield great actions, yield great results.

4. Stop worrying about 2013.  January 2nd should be the exact same as March 19th, or September 4th.  They are just days.  The focus needs to be on getting a fast start every single morning.  Then the week, month & year will take care of itself.  No more New Year focus.    Have daily resolutions and goals.  Rewrite them every morning and make a commitment to achieving them."

You control your own destiny.  Submission to fear is never an option.  Fear is a liar!

Choose to Be Awesome!