Friday, February 1, 2013

New Month's Resolutions

I wrote in an earlier post that I'm not a fan of New Year's Resolutions.  It gives you the sense that it's only appropriate to set major goals once a year.  You can resolve to make change on the 3rd Wednesday of September, if that's when inspiration strikes.

I'm not a proponent of living in the past, but I do think taking a little time on the first of the month to review your accomplishments from the prior month is an excellent tactic to make sure you long term strategies/goals are on track and make any adjustments to your daily actions.

Lets say for instance you decided on July 1, 2012 that you wanted to lose 60 pounds by the same date in 2013, and in January, your healthy lifestyle took a little setback and you gained 5 pounds, instead of losing 5 pounds.  It's NOT the end of the world.  It's time to ground yourself in your "WHY DO I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT" and get maniacally focused.  So instead of losing 10 pounds in February, or worse, just giving up, you recalculate and commit to losing that extra 2 pounds each month.   Now you know you have to burn, or reduce your intake by an additional 7,000 per month, or 250 per day.

Or if you're in sales and the month wasn't so stellar, you can calculate how much more per month you require to hit your numbers for the year, calculate in your calls to appointments to presentations to closings to your avg $ per sale, and you can see that you might have to make an additional 3 calls per day to hit your yearly number.

In any event, it's a good time to take a quick look back and make sure your life is on track, and make the necessary adjustments if it's not.  Don't spend too much time on this regular exercise because it's easy to get caught in the "what if" trap and ruin a perfectly good start to a new month.

Be awesome!


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