Monday, January 7, 2013

Give and Take

In your environment, are you a TAKER or a GIVER?

Most offices and organizations have some of both types.  The TAKERS suck the life-blood out of the people around them.  They are negative, divisive, and look out for #1.  On the surface, they pretend to be team players, but are always looking out for the first opportunity to get something out of it.

I recently got a call from a person in my organization that needed to talk about an issue going on in his office.  He's a new sales person and he feels some of the more tenured sales people are sabotaging his efforts to be successful.  Unfortunately, he's probably not being paranoid.  Fresh people entering an organization deserve support from the entire team, not to have their mental and emotional energy TAKEN by these office "vampires."

I would hate more than anything for someone to think of me as anything but a GIVER.  I'm a big follower of the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.  My kids have heard it a million times (their tally) and they'll hear it a million more before I'm through.  GIVE of your time, your expertise, & your wisdom to the new person on the team, because it's right, not because you can get something in return.  Be able to look yourself in the mirror, dead in the eye at the end of each day and know you made the world better for at least one other person.

In the end, the GIVERS could usually have the last laugh.  But that's not in their nature, they are just filled with pity for the takers.

If you're a taker (yes, you know who you are), stop.  Stop being the one that everyone else dreads being around.  Stop being the cancer that's killing your office.

The Grinch changed.  You can too.

Be awesome!

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