Wednesday, January 2, 2013

High Performance Year

Happy New Year!

2012 is officially over and it’s time to think forward.  There’s a cleansing and purification quality about starting a new year.   People have all the right tools, intelligence, desire, and even the will to succeed.   There’s absolutely nothing that can keep them from success except one thing…


Most people start the year off with a bang, running out of the gates at full speed, only to end the year trotting across the line.  Somewhere along the way, people bog themselves down needlessly with mental and emotional negativity, weighing them down until they are barely moving.  Or worse, they begin to make small compromises about their activity and performance, accepting less, because it’s too much of a challenge to go the distance.  Or the ultimate worst, they float along where ever the day carries them without a rudder or paddle. 

All three are extremely self-destructive.  None of that is allowed in my New Year!!! 

Most of you have seen Brendon Burchard’s video, The Most Important Word in Business.  If not here’s the link:  The most important word in business is STRATEGY.  That word applies to the company as a whole, down to each individual person working here.  It fits nicely with another important word, “GOALS”.  Think of the goal as the destination & the strategy as how you get there.  Depending on how it’s used, the strategy itself can be a goal

The goal is hitting quota; the strategy is presenting 100% of quota weekly.
The goal is presenting 100% of quota weekly; the strategy is attending 2 appointments per day.
The goal is attending 2 appointments per day; the strategy is setting 12 per week.
The goal is setting 2.1 appointments per day; the strategy is The Daily 10.

Do you see how they closely relate and depending on their use, can be interchanged?

You obviously have to set your own WRITTEN goals & have your own WRITTEN strategy after the initial 2 months of the Daily 10 to have total buy-in, but I’d like to suggest a few affirmations that can help you with your thinking as the New Year approaches.

·         I am a positive person.   I become deaf when someone begins to speak negative.  It has no effect on me.
·         I am responsible for my success, not my manager, not my company, not the economy.  I will succeed with or without the help of those around me. Always.
·         I do not compromise my integrity with anyone, especially myself.  When I commit to something, I deliver and nothing will prevail against me or my commitment.
·         I make my calls, regardless of number, until, at a minimum, I set my 2 daily appointments.  If that’s 80+ calls, then that’s what I do, because I deliver.  Always.
·         I am an expert in my CRM and updating it before I leave for the day is a piece of cake.
·         I have a daily strategy and I execute it flawlessly.
·         I have a reputation for delivering and I uphold that reputation.  Always.
·         I use an agenda, discuss preferred communications, and ALWAYS set the next apt.
I've received email after email thanking us for my boot camp, the direction my daily sales strategy has given, and for the success the program has brought in getting into some larger accounts.

That’s awesome.  But it’s only a beginning.

We talked about how Extraordinary Thinking = Extraordinary Actions = Extraordinary Results.  I believe an impact has been made on the thinking and we've seen actions (activity) shift for the positive, now it’s time for results.  You can drive your business to unbelievable success!  One person can make a significant difference in a branch; one branch can make a difference for a region, one region for the company.  But it all starts with one person.  BE THAT PERSON!

Take some time to think about your thinking over the next few days.  Write down your 2013 Sales Strategy, & immediately begin executing that strategy.  It’s doesn't have to be complex and can be written in just a few sentences.  A simple strategy is easily executed.  And most of you heard me say “a mediocre strategy well executed is far greater than an excellent strategy poorly executed.”

I fully expect (and demand) to see the company set new records for quota producers for the year. 

2013 is the High Performance year.

Believe it.

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